The Holy Spirit Speaks!
Date: Jan 19, 2025
Category: Love, Patience, Peace
Speaker: Mike Pratt
Passages: John 16:13
Have you ever experienced a moment when the right words came to you exactly when you needed them? Maybe you’ve felt a nudge in your spirit—an urge to take a bold step or offer encouragement—that proved life-changing. Moments like these leave us marveling at something beyond our own abilities: the work of the Holy Spirit.
This week’s sermon, The Holy Spirit Speaks!, explores the incredible ways the Spirit communicates with us, guiding and empowering those who follow Jesus. We’ll uncover six distinct ways the Holy Spirit speaks, from Scripture to words of knowledge and beyond, and how His voice leads us to live boldly and faithfully for God.
Whether you’re a long-time follower of Jesus or someone curious about how God might speak to you, this message is for you. Discover how to recognize His voice, respond to His prompting, and walk in deeper communion with Him.
Tune in for this life-changing message, and join us next week for the final sermon in the Walking in the Spirit! series: Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit!
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