Imagine building a house without a solid foundation. No matter how beautiful or sturdy the walls, the whole structure is bound to collapse without a firm base. This is exactly what happens when we neglect sound theology in our Christian faith. While the study of theology has declined in the church and has been replaced by emotionalism, pragmatism, and minimalism, we must understand why theology matters now more than ever.
Emotionalism equates personal feelings and experiences with spiritual truth, often leading to a faith based on fluctuating emotions rather than biblical principles. This can result in followers of Jesus who are easily swayed by their feelings and less equipped to face challenges or crises in their faith. A saying we often hear is, "Follow your heart!" But is that really a good idea? Well, according to the Bible it's not a good idea at all! Listen to what God says about your heart: Jeremiah 17:9 “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?"
Pragmatism prioritizes what is expedient and effective over doctrinal soundness and biblical faithfulness. This approach may lead to short-term numerical growth through attractive programs and activities, but it often lacks the depth needed to sustain faith during difficult times, resulting in a superficial understanding of Christianity.
Minimalism fosters an attitude that only the bare essentials of faith are sufficient. This mindset discourages deep study and comprehensive understanding of Scripture, leading to a shallow and incomplete grasp of Christian doctrine. Such churches may appear to grow numerically but remain spiritually immature and ill-equipped to cultivate strong leaders and disciples.
Paul's letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15:12-20) emphasizes the critical role of the resurrection in our faith. Denying the resurrection undermines the very foundation of Christianity. Without it, our preaching and faith are in vain. Good theology, consistent with biblical truth, is essential for a resilient and mature faith.
Questions for Reflection and Action
- How has emotionalism influenced your understanding of faith?
- In what ways has pragmatism shaped the practices of Redemption Rock?
- What steps can you take to deepen your theological knowledge?
- Are there beliefs you hold that may stem from minimalistic thinking?
- How can you encourage others to prioritize sound theological study in your community?
By reflecting on these questions, we can begin to address the impact of bad theology and work towards building a faith that is firmly grounded in the truth of God's Word.
Thank for reading my BLOG. I love being your pastor!
Pastor Mike