
Current Series

My Pledge to God!

This sermon series is a call to deeper personal commitment and spiritual maturity, guiding believers through key aspects of a Christ-centered life.  Each sermon focuses on a different element of this commitment, from accountability and compassion to generosity and obedience.  The series challenges the congregation to reflect on their spiritual journey, encouraging them to make intentional, daily pledges to live out their faith with integrity, courage, and love, ultimately drawing closer to God and fulfilling His purpose in their lives.

Facts or FRiction: Finding Hope In Challenging Times

In challenging times, our perspective can become clouded. What seems to be true might simply be the result of friction in our lives. God can help us to see clearly and provide direction as he guides us through the stress and the struggles. Join us for our new sermon series as we learn to find God in times of friction and overcome the obstacles.

The Gifts of Christmas!

This Christmas, celebrate the greatest gifts we could ever be given.  Jesus’s birth changed everything and brings us hope, love, joy, and peace even today!
