Joining the Search: Finding the One Lost Sheep

by Mike Pratt on October 09, 2024

In Luke 15, Jesus tells a powerful story about a shepherd who leaves 99 safe sheep to search for one that’s lost.  It’s not just a heartwarming parable; it’s a window into God’s heart for those who are far from Him.  Imagine the urgency you feel when you lose your phone.  Now imagine that same urgency—but for a lost person.  That’s how deeply Jesus cares for each one of us.

As Christians, we often feel safe in the fold, comfortable with our routines.  But while we enjoy the comfort of our church communities, there are people in our lives who are wandering—our neighbors, coworkers, or even family members.  Jesus doesn’t want us to be content with the 99.  He wants us to join Him in searching for those who are spiritually lost.

So, here’s the challenge: If Jesus cares this much about the lost, shouldn’t we?  It’s time to step out of our comfort zones and reach those who are far from God.  You have the power to make a difference by simply extending love, starting a conversation, or offering an invitation to church.

Questions for reflection:
1. Who in your life is like that lost sheep, wandering and in need of God’s love?
2. What’s stopping you from stepping out of your comfort zone to share Jesus with them?
3. When was the last time you prayed for someone who is spiritually lost?
4. How can you use your unique gifts to reach people in your community this week?
5. Are you willing to commit to being part of Jesus’ mission to search for the lost, even if it means sacrificing your own comfort?

Let’s pray this week for God to show us the one lost sheep He’s calling us to reach.

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