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New Here
At Redemption Rock you'll find a place to connect with real people and real families. Join us for Sunday Service, fellowship, worship, and great events for all ages.
Get Involved
Want to get involved? Here's a little about us: We are men, women, children, plumbers, electricians, businessmen and businesswomen, students, teachers, motorcycle riders, athletes, artist, young, and old, but most of all we are family. We have lots of things happening around Redemption Rock.
Belong! (New Member Class)
Are you curious about what church membership involves? Or, are you ready to plug-in, put down roots, and engage in the vision and mission of your church? Becoming a member of Redemption Rock is part of the process of discipleship that God wants each of us, as followers of Christ, to engage in.
We teach a New Member Class called "Belong!" each quarter of the year.
Please contact the church at or call the office at 508-432-8022, or speak with Pastor Mike Pratt if you are interested in attending Belong! It lasts about an hour and it will answer a lot of your questions.