Series: Journey with Jonah

Resisting the Results!

September 03, 2023 | Mike Pratt

Passage: Jonah 4:1-11

Series Information

In this series, we'll see how lots of people spend their whole lives running from God.  They are convinced that God is out to get them.  They don't want to face God.  They don't want to talk to God.  They don't even want to take the time to think about God.

Other people, maybe even you, know God but they run away from the plans He has for their lives.  They have even worshiped Him, but now they are heading in a different direction.  Sometimes they find themselves running from God's will for their lives because they struggle with pride and they don’t want God’s will in their lives, they want their will instead.  This was the case in the life of Jonah.  Perhaps Jonah is the most striking biblical example of a man trying to run away from God.

Other sermons in the series